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According to your faith ... Nov 08, 2022

According to your faith, let it be done to you.

Entrepreneurs, how's your faith?

Do you believe these words from Jesus?

Jesus made that promise when He was approached by someone who needed a miracle.

Jesus asked him, "do you believe that I am able to do this"?

"Yes, Lord", they replied.

Jesus then...

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This morning I asked God what I should write. Nov 07, 2022

This morning I asked God what I should write to my fellow entrepreneurs. This is what He said.

Increase your capacity to receive.

Many of you need a major reset in your thinking. A reset in your expectation of what God wants to do with you and your venture.

- You need to get ready. Ready to grow.

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The most insidious things about gaslighting ... Nov 06, 2022

One of the most insidious things about gaslighting is the denial of reality. And for the elite-class (globalists), it's gaslighting the reality of God.

This cabal operates as though God doesn't exist. They are reprobate.

They are God-deniers.

They literally do the opposite of everything God...

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When $hit happens. Nov 05, 2022

Something I've learned about past failures, present circumstances and future challenges.

$hit Happens.

- God will use them as manure for your growth.
- God will use what the enemy meant for harm, into opportunities.

When you go after God-planted dreams, look forward not backwards.

Some great wisdom...

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A new breed of investors and entrepreneurs are emerging. Nov 04, 2022

I see a new breed of investors and entrepreneurs emerging.

When you talk to them or co-labor with them, they are very different than other entrepreneurs who happen to be Christians.

These investors and entrepreneurs are driven by ...

- driven by faith in God
- driven by faith in the Bible
- driven by...

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Producing the fuel that allows the venture to scale. Nov 03, 2022

Founders — you must have a CEO, but you don't have to be the CEO.

What distinguishes extraordinary entrepreneurs is their willingness to give up everything for the belief in their vision. Especially a scaling vision.

And that includes the role of the CEO.

The CEO needs to be focused on...

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An economic tsunami is about to land. Nov 02, 2022

Many, many, many ventures will collapse. Unless ...

Unless you learn to DWELL.

You don't have to be the sharpest pencil in the box to understand this.

Big Tech, Business, Media — You Name It, are laying off the workforce at scale.

This would be a great time to study Psalm 91. Understand...

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You have not because you ask not. Nov 01, 2022

Not just exceedingly, not just abundantly, but exceedingly and abundantly above all you can ask or think.

If your entrepreneurial thesis is to disrupt and change the world, your ASK will need to be bigger.

If you are an investor and/or entrepreneur driven by faith, purpose, freedom and the Kingdom...

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I see a predictable pattern! Oct 31, 2022

I see a predictable pattern as to why founders don't get funded.

>> They don't have Founder/Investor Fit.
>> Which is exactly like Product/Market Fit.

And to fix this, they'll have to rewire their thinking.

When it comes to investors (or donors for nonprofits), there is ...

- Dumb money

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Is the pursuit of the American Dream over? Oct 24, 2022

Is the pursuit of the American Dream over?

No, but here's what has changed.

This has been the American Dream for so many. The world desires the American Dream.

- land a great career
+ marry the love of your life
+ buy your dream home

What's changed is the notion that working for someone else, or...

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Embracing Failure Oct 21, 2022

Great entrepreneurs have learned how to fail.

In fact, it's said we will have to invent and fail ten times for every success.

So, if you want your venture to succeed, you'll have to embrace failure to learn what doesn't work.

Don't sulk. Invent.

Do this over and over. I call this cracking-the-code.


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Two biblical promises I invoke daily. Oct 20, 2022

There are two biblical promises I invoke by faith, daily.

1. God's promises to protect me.
2. God's promises to bless me.

His hedge of protection doesn't mean I will live a life free of trouble. In fact, He actually guarantees I will experience much trouble because of my faith.

What He promises to do...

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