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Are you an entrepreneur who posts regularly on LinkedIn?

Nov 24, 2022

Are you an entrepreneur who posts regularly on LinkedIn?

What's the point if almost no-one reads or engages with your content?

Part of every content strategy is developing "SHARED" content on the social media channels where your segments are hanging out.

For business, that's Linkedin.

Allow me to introduce you to Justin Welsh. Every time this guy posts content on LI, he has hundreds of likes and comments within minutes of each post.

You can find his newsletter here: The Saturday Solopreneur.

I discovered this guy about a year ago. He was doing something almost no one is able to do on LinkedIn.

How is he doing it? He has a system.

A system for developing followers, community, conversations and sales.

There are four types of online content:

#1 - Shared
#2 - Owned
#3 - Paid
#4 - Earned

I was great at paid content campaigns but less so with shared content. I did it, but not effectively. Not like Justin.

It's a long-term strategy (not overnight), I invest about an hour a day on LI, Mon-Fri.

The payoff is huge.

Am I getting paid to endorse Justin? Nope. We don't even know each other.

But I know a good thing when I see it and so I'm passing it on.

I've enrolled into both of his digital courses. About $150 each.

If you are investing time on LI for business development, quit wasting time and enroll in his course. (The Operating System)

You'll thank me later!


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