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The State of Investor Readiness

Nov 16, 2022

As a Kingdom Entrepreneur, what is the "State of Investor Readiness" in a down economy?

Investor readiness is NOT a state of willingness to take investor funding for debt or equity.

- so you can make payroll
- so you can squander more $$$ on product readiness
- so you can continue the state of whatever you are in

It's the state of being "Fully Prepared" to generate revenue and impact.

Generating revenue and impact must become fully aligned. Huge challenge.

Entering into the state of investor readiness is what creates the capacity to receive funding.

God may work through VC or PE, but He is always the investor. It's all His.

What do I want to see in a Kingdom entrepreneur?

- the founders have developed the faith required to move mountains

- the founders understand their Higher Calling from God as individuals, and the higher calling (assignment from God) for their ventures.

- they have worked through building their revenue performance playbook. They've build the rocket ship, it only needs rocket fuel.

- their business thesis has been fully vetted to scale.

But most are not there, and as the believers behind the believers, that's the work that is done in a venture studio.

It's entrepreneurial discipleship, preparing founders and their ventures to receive the fuel to grow their revenues and achieve impact.

It's OK if you are not ready, but it's vital that you become ready.

See the difference?


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