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Time to get off your knees (or bottom) and fight Jun 23, 2020

There is no victory, except through battle. 

I love the story of Joshua in the Bible (Joshua chapter 1) where he is installed as leader to take the Israelites to their promised land. 

This victory will come only through battle. The enemy will not surrender territory without a fight. I...

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Develop The Learning Heart To Succeed Jun 12, 2020

If you're like me, you want God to teach you how to become successful in every area of your life, including business. You want your life to be profitable.

3 John 2 (AMP) Beloved, I pray that in every way you may succeed and prosper and be in good health [physically], just as [I know]...

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Permission to change my way of thinking, PLEASE! May 26, 2020

We all experience seasons when life hasn't worked out the way we planned it. This is usually the time when we are doing the most praying, and asking WHY.

The good news is you're not the first person to pass through this particular life season, and you won't be the last. So let's learn...

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What Do You Forfeit When You Miss Hearing God's Voice? May 17, 2020

Before God can communicate to you what His plan and purpose for your life is, you’ll need to be able to hear His voice. This is an important step in coming to know our purpose, connecting and communicating “two-way” with God.

In this article we’ll address these four...

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You Have an Inheritance, With 6000 Plus Benefits May 10, 2020

No matter what's going on in your life right now, let me begin by expressing the importance of embracing God's plan and purpose for your life.

The truth is, WE ALL have an inner desire for a greater purpose. Something meaningful. Something that matters. God created winners, not losers. We can all...

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Were You Meant to Do Something Greater Than What You Are Presently Doing? Apr 28, 2020

Deep inside every one of us is a dream — the American dream. A desire to do something remarkable with our lives. Something that matters.

Have you ever felt as though you were meant to do something greater than anything you are presently doing?

Fact is, 70 percent of U.S. workers...

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The 4 Stages of Stuck Designed to Steal Your Dreams Apr 22, 2020

The Trouble with Trouble!

No matter who you are, you are in one of three life stages:

  1. In a crisis
  2. Coming out of a crisis
  3. Or, unbeknownst to you, heading straight into a crisis

You see, trouble is no respecter of persons. It cometh. And that my friend is the trouble with trouble, it's...

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How Does God See You vs. How You See Yourself? Apr 09, 2020


A Rabbi shared this wise saying with me many years ago. I'm told it's Hebrew for A WISE MAN’S QUESTION IS HALF THE ANSWER.

  1. So then, let's start out with these three questions. How does God see you?
  2. How do you see yourself?
  3. How does Satan...
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The Life of a Dreamchaser Apr 09, 2020

Pursuing God-planted dreams.

Our mission at CanaGlobal is to equip dreamchasers to:

  1. Join the family of God.
  2. Embrace their God-planted purpose.
  3. Go after their God-planted dreams.

We believe your relationship and journey with God, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit will produce an ...

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