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You'll have to pass this test.

Sep 26, 2023

Every faith-driven founder and/or investor will have to eventually pass this test.

If you are pursuing a God-planted dream as an entrepreneur, expect to be tested by God. He will allow adversity into your life. Every follower of Jesus Christ will experience this trouble.

The trouble with trouble is that it’s inevitable. We already know that 90% of startups fail.

Your adversity will make you better or bitter, depending on your level of faith. Here’s what I know.

- Your faith must prove faithful.

- You will be tested by fire and you must withstand the test.

- The fire will test the quality of your work.

You will likely make many mistakes. Many of your ideas will fail. You’ll run short on cash. You’ll hire or partner with the wrong people. Some will betray you.

>> But, if your faith is rooted in Biblical promises, God will deliver you from ALL adversity. You will exit the fire perfected by God Himself.

You will become unstoppable. A lion. Bold. A conqueror.

You’ll have developed the faith that moves mountains. You’ll have learned how to remove all unbelief from your life.

How can you develop this kind of faith?

#1 Get up early every morning and study the Biblical promises available to you. There are over 6000.

#2 Be present in God’s presence EVERY morning.

Your first meeting every day should be with God. Discuss everything with Him. Lay it all at His feet. Ask Him:

- To show you what’s going on.

- To show you what to do, today.

- To show you what He promises to do.

Here’s what I’ve learned over the past 40 years climbing the entrepreneurial mountain with God as my business partner. His plans never fail.

So if you want to pass the test(s), prepare yourself. Ask the Holy Spirit to be your guide.

Need more help with this?

We created a digital course called “Develop the Faith to Move Mountains” and we made it free for you. I share everything I’ve learned over the past 40 years as a faith-driven investor/entrepreneur.

You can find it in our entrepreneur school. Prepare to pass the test(s) the first time. If not, life will give you many free takeovers. No Bueno!

Be in it to win it with God.


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