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When $hit happens.

Nov 05, 2022

Something I've learned about past failures, present circumstances and future challenges.

$hit Happens.

- God will use them as manure for your growth.
- God will use what the enemy meant for harm, into opportunities.

When you go after God-planted dreams, look forward not backwards.

Some great wisdom from Philippians 3:13-14 ...

- But one thing I do: forgetting what is behind
- Straining toward what is ahead
- I press on toward the goal
- To win the prize for which God has called me

My prayer for you:

May God give you the desire of your heart and make all your plans succeed.

My advice to you:

#1 - align your plans with God's
#2 - seek out wisdom, understanding and knowledge from Him
#3 - cast your cares, past, present and future on Jesus.

Ignore your critics, those who accuse and condemn, they are spectators not players.

Only players score points. Spectators just make noise.

Your future isn't determined by your failures, circumstances or challenges.

It's determined by your perception of what's possible through Jesus, and the size of your dreams and desires.

Once you understand this — you become unstoppable.


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