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Whatever Things

Mar 16, 2022

Mark 11:24 AMP - For this reason I am telling you, whatever things you ask for in prayer [in accordance with God’s will], believe [with confident trust] that you have received them, and they will be given to you.

God is not flaky -or- wishy washy. He keeps His promises.

Whatever means Whatever — Except when 👇

... we don't follow the conditions ... faith and obedience. (not perfection)

If I invited you out to dinner and I said, get whatever you want, that would mean the menu is wide-open. Ask for whatever.

Mark 11:24 clearly states "whatever things". That's not a small promise.

What are the conditions?

- to pray, ask God, make a request
- in accordance with God's will
- to believe in advance you have received it
- to forgive those who have wronged you (vs 25)

Couldn't be simpler instructions for any Christ-follower.

#1 - You actually have to ask even though He already knows what you need before you ask.

#2 - You have to pray according to God's will. The Word of God (the Bible) is God's will. It's what He wants you to do. It's what He wants you to pray for.

AND, it's His covenant will, paid for 100% by Jesus. It's polite to now say thank you Jesus. Ha!

This Word never returns void.

#3 - When you ask God for something, He wants you to consider it a done deal. Ask in faith. Not hoping He might say yes. Just ask according to His will.

He's not a slot machine where sometimes He does and sometimes He doesn't. It's 100% guaranteed EVERY time.

#4 - Forgive anyone who has wronged you.

What is your top "whatever things"?

And should you and I ever go out to dinner, I'll be taking you to a steakhouse. And if I ask you to order whatever you want, do me a favor and don't order a salad. Ask for steak!

Since God's not flaky or wish-washy with His biblical promises, don't be flaky or wishy-washy with your prayers.

Don't squander Whatever Things with hardly anything. Remember, if you don't need anything (you are lying) you could always pray for someone besides you.

Have faith. Believe only. Get ready.


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