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What's Your Truth?

Feb 02, 2022

Proverbs 23:7 NKJV - For as he thinks in his heart, so is he.

The truth about you …

- has nothing to do with what others think or say about you

- has nothing to do with your present circumstances

- has nothing to do with how you were brought up, growing up

- has nothing to do with what you assume God thinks about you

If you are a believer, here’s a BIG lie about you …

- You are a sinner.

If you believe you are a sinner after becoming born again, then you will sin by faith. (you’ll have to think about that one)

You are the righteousness of Christ. He has made you perfect, whole and holy, you are a new creation.

Here’s another big lie …

- The church has believed repentance is to cry, and wail, and convince God that you are sorry and will never act the same way again.

But the Greek definition defines repentance as “to change your mind”.

Repentance is not about changing your actions or feeling bad about your sins, it’s simply changing what you believe.

Your sin does not separate you from God. Knowledge of the truth is what sets you free. The truth does not set you free unless you believe it. Your perspective about this will change everything for you.

You will receive a peace that transcends understanding … meaning you don’t have to understand everything for it to be true. You only have to trust that God understands everything.

Here is a truth for you found in 1 John 3:1 NIV …

- See what great love the Father has lavished on us.

- That we should be called children of God!

- And that is what we are!

- The reason the world does not know us is that it did not know him.

As the truth of God’s love for you begins to marinate into your heart, you will experience His perfect love, in which there is no fear.

God loves you and so do I.

Because as a man thinketh — so is he.


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