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We’ve multiplied our time to help others succeed.

Sep 29, 2023

Many who watch what we are doing can’t understand why we are giving so much away for free.

We are simply multiplying time, something God has given freely to us.

We have taken what we have learned about faith, calling, rev-ops and investor readiness and multiplied it to make disciples, AKA faith-driven investors/founders.

We attract thousands of investors/founders every month. There is no way our small team could help so many with our limited schedules. So we've invested our time into building digital courses and made the decision to give it all away for free.

We do it via our Entrepreneur School and Church for Entrepreneurs. This is outside of our venture studio.

Now we can reach hundreds of thousands. We’ve multiplied our time to help others succeed. Bad investment of time? Hardly. God’s rewards for our obedience are 30x, 60x, and 100x.

In the parable of the minas and talents, those who multiplied what was given to them were praised. Those who played it safe received this rebuke:

“You wicked, lazy servant!” and “For whoever has will be given more, and they will have an abundance. Whoever does not have, even what they have will be taken from them.”

When it comes to making disciples of people and nations, be fruitful and multiply.

We have God’s Word on it that we can’t out give God. We will always have more than enough to give away.

And you can take that to the bank. We do.


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