We all have a box of beliefs ...
Aug 03, 2022
We all have a box of beliefs ...
- about business, purpose, success, faith, etc...
- about things we believe to be true.
In just the area of Christianity, there are over 21,000 different camps. The never-this or never-that camps.
Same thing with politics, science, culture wars, etc ...
So if you are humbly pursuing truth, how does one navigate through all of the various camps who are very busy attacking each other.
First, if I am personally attacked for my beliefs ... I red-flag the attacking camp.
Like in religion, if someone attacks all charismatics as heritics ... I red flag them. I don't waste my pearls with the swine.
- But how do we grow?
- How do we learn new things?
- How do we become continuous learners?
As a Christ-Follower filled with the Holy Spirit, the scriptures say I have an anointing from God.
>> 1 John 2:26-27 NIV
- I am writing these things to you about those who are trying to lead you astray.
- As for you, the anointing you received from him remains in you
- And you do not need anyone to teach you.
- But as his anointing teaches you about all things and as that anointing is real, not counterfeit—just as it has taught you, remain in him.
The Holy Spirit give me the discernment to judge all matters, and I can judge a matter without feeling like I need to judge someone personally for having a different belief.
>> If what you are doing is working for you — keep doing it.
But if what you are doing isn't working, allow the Holy Spirit to change your mind.
Often times when the Holy Spirit is speaking to you, He'll do it through the scriptures and He might send you a messenger to deliver the same news.
I don't go through life trying to correct everyone else's boxes of beliefs. If someone wants help — I am happy to help equip them in the areas aligned with my calling.
What's interesting is that Jesus calls for both:
Unity - John 17
Division - Luke 12
To have unity, we must have agreement on the essential things.
When we can't, there will be division.
The disciples disagreed often. Paul was famous for rebuking the hypocrisy of Peter. But they both believed in the gospel of Jesus.
As you enlarge your box of beliefs, stay out of unproductive arguments and strife.
Remember, in 1 John 3:10 say there are two types of people in the planet.
- Children of God
- Children of Satan
Find unity with the Children of God. Don't worry about their box of beliefs, spend your energy developing the fruit on your tree.