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This is the unfair advantage of the faith-driven founder.

Oct 09, 2024

This is the unfair advantage of the faith-driven founder

→ especially the non-woke kind
→ we believe our startup dreams are God-planted

And that God has a specific plan and purpose for ...

→ our lives
→ and our startups

Only 6% of Christians have a Biblical worldview, and we're definitely part of that group. That means we believe the Bible is the infallible Word of God.

Why does that matter?

Well, there are over 6000 Biblical promises available to us by faith — to empower us to succeed at the assignments God gives us.

Though we will face obstacles like everyone else, God promises to deliver us from them all, and to help us succeed and prosper.

→ we have His Word on it
→ anyone who wants in, is invited in

When you co-create with the Creator — you are in it, to win it.

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