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The Priority & Focus to Hit Your Goals

Jan 17, 2023

When a founder misses their goals, 99% of the time, this is why.

They are not controlling their priority and focus.

Like you, I've set my vision for what I want to accomplish in 2023.

I've got 7 major pieces of the puzzle. All are complex with moving parts.

When I look at everything I want to accomplish this year, my head spins. Parts of my vision, I don't know how I'll do it.

This is normal.

As a faith driven founder, I know if I will do my part, God will do His.

My part is to set the priority of my focus.

- I know my focus (planning and execution) is the oxygen of every project.
- My focus breathes life into projects and/or ventures.

What I set my mind to, gets done. So the priority of my focus is key.

>> And, what's on my calendar reveals my priority and focus.

We'd all love to have a roadmap of 2023 revealing all the twist and turns the year will bring.

We'd FEEL better prepared if we could see ALL the parts of the journey.

But God rarely reveals what's on the road ahead.

SOOOO ....

The best way for me to be prepared and equipped for the journey is to include Him in setting my priority and focus.

How do I do this?

I spend time with Him EVERY morning. It's the best meeting of the day. He equips me for the day. He show me insights I've never thought of. He shows me solutions to problems. He shares His superior ideas with me.

I'm in possession of the God-Kind of faith. God shows me how to use it.

See, I work for Him. He's the boss.

I'm carrying out the vision and calling He has put in my heart. His assignment.

His light illuminates the path for the day. This is how I decide my priority and calendar.

He is perfecting me every day.

Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect. (Matthew 5:48)

For 2023, take a hard look at your priority and focus. It gets revealed by your calendar.

Let's do this.


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