The Kingdom of God isn't a religious philosophy, it's science. God's science.
Jan 09, 2024
The Kingdom of God isn't a religious philosophy, it's science. God's science.
If God created everything physical and spiritual, has He not created the laws that govern everything? Do you know what they are and how they operate? Like the law of faith.
He spoke everything into existence. How? His Words have power.
The more you search out the things of God, the more He will reveal to you. Remember, you were created in His image. When we speak His Word, our words have the power to create or demolish.
If you are a follower of Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit lives inside you. You have the power of God living inside you. What will you do with it? How does it operate? Do you know?
>> The secret things belong to the Lord our God, but the things which are revealed and disclosed belong to us and to our children forever, so that we may do all of the words of this law. (Deuteronomy 29:29 AMP)
Those who reject the workings of the Holy Spirit will miss out on learning or understanding His ways of doing things.
>> But the natural [unbelieving] man does not accept the things [the teachings and revelations] of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness [absurd and illogical] to him; and he is incapable of understanding them, because they are spiritually discerned and appreciated, [and he is unqualified to judge spiritual matters]. (1 Corinthians 2:14 AMP)
The more we come to understand God's ways of doing things, the easier it is to co-create with Him.
As a Kingdom-minded entrepreneur who is filled with the Holy Spirit and full of faith, everything is now possible for me.
Think about that.