Struggling with Anxiety?
Jan 11, 2024
Are You a Christian Entrepreneur Struggling with Anxiety?
As Christian entrepreneurs, we often face anxiety and worry. But have you wondered what God's advice is for us in these moments? It varies, depending on your spiritual stance:
No-Strength Christians: Those who view the Bible as not entirely the infallible Word of God. This group might see Scripture as mere opinions of its authors.
Half-Strength Christians: They accept parts of the Bible but reject others, like the workings of the Holy Spirit or the power accessible to us today. They are known as cessationists.
Full-Strength Christians: Believers who see the entire Bible as the infallible Word of God and adopt a Biblical worldview.
I identify as a full-strength Christian. Therefore, I take God’s word seriously, especially regarding anxiety and worry:
"Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God." (Philippians 4:6)
When God commands, "DO NOT BE," I see it not as a suggestion, but as an order. Obedience to this has brought me peace.
Entrepreneurship is fraught with challenges. If you're one, you're familiar with the rollercoaster of emotions it brings. Our shoulders weren't meant to bear these burdens alone. It’s time to exchange our doubts, fears, and worries for God’s peace and joy.
No matter the situation, I believe in God’s plan for my prosperity. What the enemy intends for harm, God uses for advancement (Rom 8:28 & Psa 91).
Embracing this belief brings peace and joy. I encourage you to do the same and discover the power of obedience.
Let’s walk in faith, not fear.
- Gerald