Some people CANNOT have the desires of their heart, without ...
Jan 07, 2024
There are some people (due to their circumstances) and the size of their dreams, who cannot do or have the desires of their heart WITHOUT God making good on all of His promises.
This is me, and has always been been me.
I've always had God-sized dreams, goals and desires.
So I've learned God's Word must come FIRST in my life. Not what man thinks it says, but what it actually says.
So I ...
- I read the Word
- I believe the Word
- I speak the Word
- I act on the Word
I've found that when I'm in line with God's Word, I'm also inline with His will.
That is how I keep reaching my dreams, goals and desires. I've learned to agree and align with what John said when He wrote 3 John 1:2. At the time of this writing, he was older and very wise.
>> Beloved, I pray that in every way you may succeed and prosper and be in good health [physically], just as [I know] your soul prospers [spiritually]. (AMP)
- To succeed and prosper
- To be in good health
- To prosper spiritually
That's what it says. That's what believe . That's what I speak. That's what I act on.
I am who God says I am AND I have what He says is mine.
When the best time to begin thinking/believing/acting this way?
Best - When you were very young
Second Best - Starting today
You can bank on it. I do!