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Pursue God-Assignments with ZERO FEAR

Aug 22, 2022

There is only one way to pursue God-Planted dreams and assignments.

And that is to pursue them with ZERO FEAR.

>> Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death — I WILL FEAR NO EVIL.

Fear is the greatest weapon of satan. It's how he neuters Christ-Followers.

God-Planted assignments will always require miracles. That means we will be allowed to be put into treacherous circumstances which will require a miracle from the way-maker.

No surprise here. Strong faith is required. The kind not contaminated by fear.

In these moments, satan will attempt to condemn you. Know this, for Christ-followers ... there is no condemnation from God. Because of the blood of Jesus, God has declared you Not-Guilty.

In these moments, fight back.

Plead the blood of Jesus over all creation, over your circumstances, over you and your family — fear may be the weapon of satan but the blood of Jesus is the weapon of God.

Resist satan, and He will be forced to flee. Shout out scripture. No Word ever returns void. It will prosper you.

Go ahead, plant the seed. Watch God deliver you.

When you have partnered with God, there is only one way to roll, and that is to be strong and courageous.

How? Meet with Him early every morning. Be present in His presence. Consume the Word of God. Meditate on it day and night.

Not by will power. By Word power.

Go all in. Get totally immersed.


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