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Only a Fool Doesn't Want to Be Prosperous.

Aug 23, 2022

Only a fool doesn't want to be prosperous and successful.

And with God, there is only one way.

But the world defines success and prosperity in one's position, power, fame and wealth.

With God, prosperity and success are an anointing that accompany a Christ-Follower led by God in their assignment (calling). It's part of your spiritual DNA.

It's inside you.

Joseph understood this anointing. (Gen 39)

- The Lord was with Joseph so that he prospered.
- The Lord gave him success in everything he did.

From the day Joseph discovered his calling, he was prosperous and successful.

When you are in the pit — you are still anointed.
When you are in the prison — you are still anointed.

Both lead to the palace.

Biblical success and prosperity are the result of your relationship with God. It's part of your spiritual DNA.

It's already inside you.

Jesus is prosperous and successful in all that He does. We are part of His body. We are in Him, and He is in us.

Do you get it?

Know who you are, in Christ.
Know whose you are, in Christ.

An orange tree is an orange tree in every stage of its growth. At some point it will produce fruit.


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