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I'm now backed by the smartest and richest one in the world.

Jul 17, 2024

Founders - I'm now backed by the smartest and richest one in the world.

It's a partnership. We co-create. Come join us.

→ Who?
→ God!

I know that might sound crazy, but you're already here, read a few more lines.

→ I grew up a believer
→ I thought it was more probable that God existed
→ I didn't buy the science that it's all one big accident

During some rough startup challenges, frustrated and confused, I started reading the bible for myself.

→ I started reading
→ I started talking to God
→ The bible really spoke to me
→ New ideas began forming
→ About living life abundantly
→ In every area of my life

I started getting innovative startup ideas

And the courage to go after after impossible things

And my dreams started becoming realities

→ Eventually I went from a believer
→ To a follower
→ Of Jesus

I was taken back by the idea

That I was "called" to do things with God

That he had a plan and purpose for my life

I decided to pursue them

My life — HIS WAY

→ All because I invested in me
→ Spending time reading the bible for myself
→ And talk to God all throughout my days
→ I've spent somewhere north of 80,000 hours
→ Reading, studying and talking to God

I don't fall into any religious camp

I don't attend "church" anywhere

I don't see church as a place

Instead, I see church as a people

→ I like gathering with other faith-driven founders
→ Sharing our war stories
→ About how we fight and build
→ And launch the ideas he puts in our hearts

Do I expect to get criticized when I write a post like this

Yes, I do

But it's rarely from other founders

It's mostly from the religious types

The modern-day pharisees that gave Jesus a hard time

Mostly from know-it-all christians

The windbags God talks about

They are mostly spectators

Not players

→ When I get interviewed or asked to speak
→ People want to hear my God stories most
→ They want to know
→ Will your God do for me
→ What he's doing for you


𝗦𝘁𝗮𝗿𝘁 𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗶𝗻𝗴

𝗦𝘁𝗮𝗿𝘁 𝘁𝗮𝗹𝗸𝗶𝗻𝗴

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