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I launched my first digital course. 1M a month in revenue.

Oct 07, 2023

13 years ago I launched my first digital course. 2995 people signed up in our first few months.

We learned how to do 1M a month in revenue. Here's how ...

In one of my ventures we were marketing software coding bootcamps. Training people for dream jobs and dream incomes.

Our sales had stalled and we were looking to reach a new target audience. We created a free digital course helping people to discover their purpose.

We poured our resources and hearts into helping these digital students. Many of them were seeking marketplace purpose. New careers.

We started inviting them to in-person events. We poured our resources and hearts into helping them.

Rinse repeat. Rinse repeat. Over 900 enrolled into our coding bootcamps. (not free)

We never had to sell. We created a way for them to buy.

But our secret sauce was we poured our resources and hearts into helping them reach their goals. We leveraged the power of hybrid (digital + physical) gatherings.

People like both. They love the mix. The revenue followed.

Pouring our resources and hearts into helping people through shared content continues to be our secret sauce. Our motivation is love. I love people. And so I invest my resources into helping people.

Love never changes, but it always changes people.

- Gerald

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