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From hurry up and wait — to GODSPEED

May 10, 2021

Sick and Tired

Have you grown tired of waiting on God to make good on His many biblical promises to you? Welcome to the club.

At times we all become weary, or as they say, sick and tired of being sick and tired. (that's some old school)

We already know waiting is just part of your faith journey. But after much time standing strong on the promises of God, you know ... when eating manna gets old ... we can get a bit agitated with God in our prayers. Like enough already .... can we hurry it up, Lord?

In your waiting, you're probably standing on the waiting promise, yup, there's one for that too.

Isaiah 40:31 AMP - But those who wait for the Lord [who expect, look for, and hope in Him] Will gain new strength and renew their power; They will lift up their wings [and rise up close to God] like eagles [rising toward the sun]; They will run and not become weary, They will walk and not grow tired.

A New Way of Looking at Waiting

I want to give you a new way of looking at waiting. What I'm about to share with you was the turning point for Abraham, the father of our faith. 

Let it be our turning point as well.

God showed this to me one morning when I was studying Romans chapters 4, 8, and Hebrews 6. God opened my eyes when I read it from The Message translation, it gave me a new way of looking at things. 

Romans 4:1-3 The Message - So how do we fit what we know of Abraham, our first father in the faith, into this new way of looking at things? If Abraham, by what he did for God, got God to approve him, he could certainly have taken credit for it. But the story we’re given is a God-story, not an Abraham-story. What we read in Scripture is, “Abraham entered into what God was doing for him, and that was the turning point. He trusted God to set him right instead of trying to be right on his own.” 

From my journal notes:

  1. When Abraham entered into what God was doing for Him, THAT WAS THE TURNING POINT.
  2. This is a God-Story, not an Abraham-Story.
  3. How do we leverage what we know of Abraham into a new way of looking at things?

What really captured my attention was that it said "that was the turning point". What was? When Abraham entered into what God was doing for him.

I began to:

  • Focus on what God is doing in me, right now.
  • Focus on what God is doing for me, right now.
  • Focus on God, not me.

This was my turning point.

As a follower of Jesus, I have a marketplace calling. It's part of the great commission. God has planted dreams inside me that have become assignments for me. This is my purpose.

When I see the assignment as too big for me, something only God can do, I trust Him to do it. I could never do it on my own no matter how hard or long I worked.

Trusting God to do it is the key.

God made a promise to Abraham. That Abraham and His children (that's us) would possess the earth.

Abraham entered into God's promise through belief. The fulfillment of God's promises depends entirely on trusting God, AND HIS WAY!

Embrace Him, His Way, and what He does.

The scriptures tell us that God didn't choose Abraham because he was living like a saint. God made Abraham into something when Abraham was a nobody.

That's exactly what He has done with you and me. When I enter into what God is doing, I go from ME FOCUSED to GOD FOCUSED.

  • Me Focused: What do I want?
  • God Focused: What does God want?

When I do this, HisPlan becomes MyPlan. This is walking in God's perfect will. It's a periscope moment where I can see past MY circumstances. I start to ask God to show me what He is doing. Then I ask Him what He wants to be done.

Lord, what do you me to do in this season?

I must trust God-to-do-it in the vision/assignment He gives me. God's promises to me are based on what He will do for me, by trusting God, His way, embracing Him, and what He does.

I have to trust God in what only God can do. Here's what only God can do:

  • Raise the dead to life.
  • With a word ... make something out of nothing.
  • When things look hopeless, give me the grace to believe anyway.
  • Give me the strength to live not on the basis of what I see and my limitations, but on what God said He would do. 

Abraham didn't focus on His lack. On himself. Instead, he focused on the Father, what God promised He would do. Abraham was declared fit by God by trusting God to set Him right.

We must do the same. 

Hebrews 6:12 The Message - Be like those who stay the course with committed faith and then get everything promised to them.

God has given us His Word! He said I promise you I will bless you with EVERYTHING I have ... Bless, Bless and Bless.

Hebrews 6:13-20 The Message - When God made his promise to Abraham, he backed it all the way, putting his own reputation on the line. He said, “I promise that I’ll bless you with everything I have—bless and bless and bless!” Abraham stuck it out and got everything that had been promised to him. When people make promises, they guarantee them by appeal to some authority above them so that if there is any question that they’ll make good on the promise, the authority will back them up. When God wanted to guarantee his promises, he gave his word, a rock-solid guarantee—God can’t break his word. And because his word cannot change, the promise is likewise unchangeable.

This view will be your turning point. Joyful expectancy will grow out of waiting. Enter into what God is doing for you. This is a God story that you get to play a role in. Trusting God to do it is what sets you right with God.

It's God's gift to you. Trusting God to let His will be done. God's promise to Abraham was not given because of something Abraham would do. It was based on God's decision to put everything together for Abraham. 

In our waiting, let's be adventurously expectant "What's Next PaPa?"

  • We know who He is, our Father.
  • We know who we are, His Children.

Let our waiting be GodSpeed.





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