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Freedom to generate prosperity through Jesus Christ.

Jul 18, 2023

Today, I'm rejoicing in the liberty that allows me to harness my God-bestowed talents, making a profound and positive difference in the lives of people and the world at large.

Entrepreneurship has emerged as the new 'homeownership' of this decade, and it's only set to grow in the days to come.

The American dream, deeply embedded in our national ethos, is founded on the belief that we have the freedom to generate prosperity through Jesus Christ. This is not just a dream, but a divine promise.

I extend my heartfelt gratitude to those who have walked this path before us, making this journey possible. Their sacrifices and efforts have paved the way for us to continue this mission. We stand on the shoulders of these giants, committed to carrying forward their legacy.

In the spirit of faith and freedom, let's remember that we are not just entrepreneurs or investors. We are stewards of God's gifts, called to use them for the greater good. Let's continue to build, innovate, and serve in the name of Jesus Christ, creating a Kingdom ecosystem where faith-driven founders and investors can co-create to build iconic startups.

Kingdom Capital for Kingdom Ventures - that's our mantra. And with the power and authority of Jesus Christ, we will continue to grow ventures, fund them to scale, and plant oak trees for the Kingdom of God.

Faith and Freedom!


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