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Finding Your Entrepreneur Tribe.

Jul 05, 2023

Let's have church!

I love hanging out (dinners, events, virtual gatherings etc …) with fellow faith-driven entrepreneurs. Especially those who are spirit-filled.

I enjoy the newbies as much as the super-seasoned. When a group of power-filled winners get together, it’s energizing.

When the gathering is over, I always say “whew, I just had church!”

Whatever you do, find a tribe to hang out with. Find winners, not wimps, weasels or weenies.

The saying “birds of a feather flock together” couldn’t be more true.

If you want to soar in every area of your life, hang out with eagles.

If you are a wimp, weasel or weenie, start hanging out with winners, you’ll change. That’s how life works, you become who you hang around with.

Choose carefully.

Every Thursday at 10a MST, I gather virtually with a group of faith-driven investors/founders.

 We call it, Church for Entrepreneurs.

We pray, and we learn together from each other. If you need some more wins in your life, show up.

To get a zoom invite, just go to our website and click on Church for Entrepreneurs.

See you on the inside.


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