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Entrepreneurs Who Stay Stuck ...

Mar 22, 2022

What do you call an entrepreneur who gets really stuck ...
Then God offers help ...
But the Stuck Entrepreneur rejects God's offer to help?
This is a question I often ask an audience at entrepreneurial meetups and conferences I'm invited to speak at.
It usually take a few seconds and someone will yell out "A fricking idiot!"
Think about it — it's really true.
Why would anyone reject God's help? Hubris.
The book of Proverbs lays this out.
>> Proverbs 16:18 NIV - Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall.
It's easy to get really jammed up on the entrepreneurial mountain climb.
Most first timers fail. They die on the mountain.
Why? Lack of know-how. (Hosea 4:6)
They simply don't know what they don't know.
They don't know what being prepared looks like. Oh they prepare, they just aren't able to recognize what NOT being prepared looks like.
And what every seasoned entrepreneur learns over time is ... the strategy, methods, tools and tactics that got you to where you are, won't take you to where you want to go.
So every morning I spend time with my business partner, God. I ask Him to prepare me.
- To establish my plans and steps.
- To continue giving me the power and ability to create wealth.
- To complete the mission He has assigned to me for this life season.
But look, I'm human. I make mistakes all the time. So I go to God asking for help all the time. And He has been helping me this way for the past three decades.
Here's the thing. God's offering to help you. There are 6000 plus biblical promises from Him to you.
Just start learning what they are. Your help is already here!
If you are feeling stuck, email me at [email protected]. Maybe He's sent me to help you.

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