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Don't be a Wannapreneur.

May 03, 2023

There are 3 types of founders:

- Solopreneurs
- Entrepreneurs
- Wannapreneurs

The main difference between the solopreneur and the entrepreneur is usually revenue.

Many founders begin solo, but as revenue nears 1M, most begin building a team to scale.

>> Now let’s talk about the WANNAPRENEURS ...

- They have business ideas, yet there’s a failure to take-off.

- All hat, no cattle.

- Clouds without rain.

- They are aspiring entrepreneurs whose ideas never transpire.

- Many start the planning, but they never seem to launch.

- Some are afraid to take the risk.

- Some are afraid to fail.

- Some are waiting for some magic money to appear.

- Some are in love with the image or idea of calling themselves founders or entrepreneurs — only they’re not.

- They are chasing a fantasy, not a real entrepreneurial plan.

- Most don’t have the vision or diligence to successfully climb the entrepreneurial mountain.

- Many started and then stopped or quit when their bad ideas didn’t work out.

>> If you are a wannapreneur I wanted to make you a little mad.

I wanted to get your attention, but not to condemn you.

To encourage you to STOP! Stop being a wannapreneur.

Is this a rebuke? Yes.

I want to eradicate the thinking that’s causing you to quit before you even get started.

I know what it’s like to fail, to fall off the horse. But I also know how to get back on it.

Don’t throw in the towel on your ideas, use it to wipe off your face and start climbing the entrepreneurial mountain again.

Do it with God ... He already has THE plan.

#1 - Develop mountain-moving faith.

#2 - Discover you calling, God's plan for you right now.

#3 - Get equipped with a full-stack set of marketing and sales skills. (RevOps)

Whatever you do, stop only aspiring and start climbing the entrepreneurial mountain.

Dream it, yes! But also — do it.


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