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Decoding Woke Double-Talk.

Oct 08, 2023

Decoding Woke Double-Talk: Why faith-driven founders must embrace brutal honesty over woke lies.

We need to prioritize truth over comfort, even if it's uncomfortable.

Ever encountered someone who talks in riddles and woke cliches, like they're reading from a fortune cookie? It's not just confusing, it's a drain on our time and energy.

This is especially problematic in the startup world, where clear, direct communication is vital. Truth matters.

In recent times, the rise of 'woke' culture has led to an increase in this double talk. People are so afraid of causing offense that they often skirt around the truth.

But as faith-driven founders, we can't afford to do this.

Honest feedback and clear communication are essential for a successful faith-driven venture. They help us understand each other, make quick decisions, and drive our businesses forward.

So, let's cut through the noise. Let's be straightforward, speak the truth, and say what we mean. It might be tough, but it's the best way to grow and succeed in this fast-paced world.

What's more important to you, hearing truth or preserving your feelings?

Like Jesus, let's speak truth with love. If it hurts your feelings, so be it.


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