Build and Fight Simultaneously.
Dec 23, 2022
If you are going to build an iconic venture, you'll have to learn how to build and fight simultaneously. I love this story ... The story of Nehemiah.
He saw a problem. The wall of Jerusalem was compromised. In a state of disrepair.
He saw a solution. He had an irrational desire to see it rebuilt.
He went to God sharing His vision. In His passion He prayed and fasted. He repented for the people of Jerusalem.
He asked God for permission to rebuild it. (Nehemiah 1:11)
- Lord, let your ear be attentive to the prayer of this your servant
- And to the prayer of your servants who delight in revering your name
- Give your servant success today by granting him favor in the presence of this man
God appointed Nehemiah to take on this mission. Moreover, Nehemiah received God's anointing to be successful.
- Nehemiah went to the government for permission
- He secured both permission and funding
- He did the work of planning and preparing
- He recruited the team to co-labor with him
- And the team learned to build and fight simultaneously
The wall was completed in 52 days.
As a faith driven founder, the story of Nehemiah is a template of what it looks like to co-create with God, and co-labor with others.
What is your burning passion, something so big it's irrational?
When we learn to partner with God — EVERYTHING becomes possible.