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Baby Christians who never grew up.

Sep 30, 2023

There’s a lot of baby Christians who aren’t in it to win it.

They got saved but never grew up spiritually.

They see pursuing success as pagan, not of God.

They haven’t figured out how to connect the dots between business, purpose, success and faith.

If you’ve grown out of your spiritual diapers, you will have aligned your plans with God’s. Your career will have become a calling. Success is about making disciples of people and nations.

If you are a faith-driven founder, your business will become an instrument for God’s use. To bring the Kingdom of God into the marketplace — to transform it.

You’ll be in it to win it, with God.

Anything less is pagan nationalism, or woke Christianity.

But if you’re not a spirit-filled disciple full of faith, you will not accept the things that come from the spirit of God. You will consider these things foolishness, beyond your ability to understand because spiritual realities are discerned through the Word, and through the Holy Spirit (a complete stranger to spiritual babies).

There is nothing more embarrassing for the body of Christ than a grown man prancing around in spiritual diapers. Poopy pants Christians. P.U.

Friends, God has given us the Holy Spirit so we will understand what God has freely given us.

Let’s walk in truth and love, full of His power and authority to destroy works of evil. It’s now or never.


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