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Are You Seeking ... But Not Finding?

May 27, 2022

70% of you are seeking ...

- A Path to discovering your Purpose in Life
- A Path to discovering your Dream Job (but...)

People are seeking — but not finding.

Over 82% of you loathe (hate) your jobs where you will spend over 100,000 hours of your lives doing-what-you-do just to pay the bills.

We call this ...

- The Grind
- The 9-5
- We say ... it is what it is 🤮

And for most people ... Monday SUCKS. Every week of your life.

- Sucky job.
- Sucky boss.
- Sucky life.

Folks, this isn't your best life!

Your Creator — GOD actually has a specific plan and purpose for your life. For right now, in this life season.

- He is your Path to Purpose.

- He is your Path to a meaningful career ... as an employee or an entrepreneur.

And since 70% of the global workforce has a desire to start a purpose-driven business — He is The Way to this ultimate freedom.

I discovered this and God helped me launch my very first business.

- He gave me the creative ideas
- He provided all of the resources
- He have me the ability
- He gave me the faith and courage to take the risks
- He established my plans
- He established my steps
- He opened the doors
- He gave me the keys to the Kingdom of God

What did I have to do?

- Reset my priorities to His
- Change my thinking
- Make His Plan ... My Plan
- Spend time in His presence
- Learn obedience (do what He says to do)
- Bask in His love for me
- Learn to love others

And more than anything else ... I just started.

I started getting up really early in the morning to spend time with Him.

If you are seeking — look no further.

What do you have to lose?


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