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Are we a business that is also a ministry?

Dec 16, 2023

Sometimes I'm confused. Are we (CanaGlobal) a business that is also a ministry? Or are we a ministry that is also a business?

The lines are blurred.

Make no mistake, we are a faith-driven venture studio that is enormously profitable, a for-profit business that is also faith-driven.

We just use to use our profits to profit others. That's why I'm often referred to as the profit of profit. It's true, if I come into contact with you I'm very likely to speak God's Word over your life and business. 

I love speaking life (God's Word) into dry bones.

I was recently in a conversation with founders Brian Mangels and Justin Clark of Home On, a Kingdom-Minded business focused on home restoration.

"Restoration is not just about renovating homes; it's about renewing hope, building stronger families, and improving lives, both physically and spiritually. We will see God's love restore homes and their inhabitants. We desire healing and the full transformative power of Jesus on display in every home."

Like the tent-maker entrepreneur, the Apostle Paul, we just haven't disconnected the dot between business, purpose, success and faith as many other Christian business owners have.

Everything we do is connected to the Great Commission which is to disciple people and nations. The marxist (woke) christians may even call us Christian Nationalists because of this. 

But we take our Christianity full-strength, full of the power and authority of Jesus Christ.

I wonder how many of you Christians in the marketplace have a desire to transform the workplace with Gospel of Jesus Christ?

I believe more and more.

Want to see see a fresh look at how it's done, check out this page from the guys at Home On, it's an invitation to all to join the co-mission and see a nation in revival.


In their words, "an audacious co-mission about restoration, renewal, and revival."

Let's blur more lines and transform goat nations into sheep nations.


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