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About Your Trouble ...

Oct 05, 2023

This is something I've come to learn about TROUBLE as a faith-driven investor/entrepreneur.

First, it’s the main vehicle of God’s comfort.

When God allows trouble, first He promises deliverance, every-time. That in itself is comforting. His blessings are always wrapped nicely into every adversity. Rom 8:28 is always in effect.

But through trouble, God provides us with His comfort.

But why?

So that we can comfort others in trouble with the same comfort we have received. Look, I’m 62 years old and in my 40th year as a serial investor/entrepreneur. I’m not saying I’ve experienced everything, but I can tell you that it’s very rare I hear an adversity from a fellow entrepreneur that I haven’t experienced. And multiple times. (I’ve not always been a fast learner)

I’ve been on this entrepreneurial mountain for 40 years, climbing it with you all, every day.

When I see an entrepreneur or venture struggling, I almost always instinctively know what's wrong, and the path to fix it.

But more importantly, I can always discern what’s going on spiritually, and what to do about it. I can tell you with 100% certainty that if you do this, God will do that.

I know that no matter how many promises God has made, they are YES in Christ. That is comforting for those with the faith to receive His promises. And for those without the faith who are swimming in unbelief, I can teach you to have the faith that moves mountains. I teach only what I know firsthand.

>> The reason God has allowed me to experience so much trouble in my life, is so I can help you.

I want to help you pass the test you are facing right now.

It’s why I write something here everyday. The prophet of profit is being obedient to God’s orders. Ha!

If you are drawn to the faith-filled movement of CanaGlobal, God has brought you to us. And we are here to guide and mentor you. On the entrepreneurial faith-mountain, we are its sherpas for sure. It’s our divine calling to serve you.


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