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A Church in a VC Firm?

Dec 08, 2022

If you see the church as a place to go, perhaps it doesn’t make sense to be combined with a venture capital firm.

But I see the church as Jesus described it, an Ekklesia, a people empowered to disciple nations.

- Cities are built by entrepreneurs.
- Industries are built by entrepreneurs.
- Economies are built by entrepreneurs.
- And America was built by entrepreneurs.

Do you get it?

Investors co-creating with entrepreneurs, driven by faith, purpose, freedom and the Kingdom of God are best positioned to build industries and disciple nations.

I believe the most powerful force on planet earth is the Ekklesia, God’s instrument for global transformation.

(2016) - In our early days we didn’t have a name, we just started by doing. I began pouring my financial resources into startup events, workshops, accelerators and a venture studio.

And at every gathering, in-person or digital, we connected the dots between business, purpose, success and faith.

I realized there wasn't a community for entrepreneurs and investors to gather, grow, learn and co-create. So I decided to build one.

Wherever you are on your entrepreneurial journey, we are thrilled to meet you right where you're at.

CanaGlobal is part of a massive people movement started by Jesus Christ to transform the seven marketplace mountains of societal influence: faith, family, education, government, media, arts and entertainment, and business — with the Kingdom of God.

If you haven't been to one of our virtual gatherings, you are invited.

Every Thursday at 10a MST, I lead a weekly zoom group for Kingdom Entrepreneurs, where myself and other Managing Directors from our firm pour into the lives of others.

The topics range from ...

- Developing Faith
- Discovering Your Calling
- Creating a Revenue Playbook
- The State of Investor Readiness


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