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99% of you struggling with revenue growth are missing this.

Mar 09, 2023

What's RevOps? 99% of you struggling with revenue growth are missing this.

And if you are pre-rev looking for funding, especially you!

(Look below for the question I ask every founder)

RevOps is a strategy that aligns and optimizes all revenue-generating functions to drive growth, improve customer experiences, and increase efficiency.

It unifies and optimizes all revenue-generating functions of a company, including sales, marketing, and customer success, to improve customer experiences, increase efficiency, and drive revenue growth.

The playbook and revenue team look different at every level of growth. What you can do at 200k, 1M, 3M and 10M are all different. But you must know what's possible.

>> Here's the question I ask every founder. (B2B question)

"How many sales meetings/demos have to happen every month for every 1 million in revenue growth?"

If the answer isn't on the tip of your tongue‚ HUGE problem.

Listen up, because this is important: if you're not implementing a RevOps strategy in your business, you're setting yourself up for failure. This playbook is a MUST.

RevOps is one of the 4 areas we focus on when we are equipping and serving faith driven founders.

Without RevOps, you're gonna continue to struggle. So get on the RevOps train, and start driving growth and profitability!


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